An unexpected visit from their renowned former colleague, superstar Rajinikanth, brought a pleasant surprise to the BMTC staff located in Jayanagar, a southern suburb...
Rajinikanth, the Tamil superstar, met Yogi Adityanath, the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, on Saturday in Lucknow. The superstar will watch his recent blockbuster...
Jailer, the highly anticipated 2023 Indian Tamil-language black comedy-action film, has taken the cinematic world by storm. The movie boasts a star-studded ensemble cast...
On August 10, Rajinikanth’s next movie, “Jailer“, will have a significant premiere, raising anticipation for a strong opening in theatres across India. Rajinikanth has...
Megastar Rajinikanth’s 169th film, Jailer, will see his return to the big screens. Sun Pictures revealed the title of Rajinikanth’s highly anticipated film on...