As the world eagerly anticipates the 2024 Paris Olympics, Team India finds itself at the center of an unexpected controversy. The recent unveiling of...
The upcoming Lok Sabha poll has many implications in Karnataka, With the JDS-BJP seat-sharing fiasco the Congress-INDIA alliance will look to capitalize on as...
India has taken a momentous stride toward realizing its ambitious One Sun One World One Grid (OSOWOG) mission, signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)...
The Government of Telangana has successfully inaugurated India’s first-of-its-kind cycling track with a solar roof on Sunday, 1st October. The cycle track is 23km...
The American multinational corporation, Boeing, is all set to launch its second-largest facility after the US within the Aerospace Park in Devanahalli, near Kempegowda...
Amid the allegations running between India and Canada, Sikh Activist, Hardeep Singh Nijjar is at the crux of it after Canadian Prime Minister Justin...
Amid the G20 meet, Canadian and Indian bilateral ties have descended into a major predicament due to allegations made by the Canadian prime minister,...