In a startling development, Spandana Raghavendra, the spouse of Kannada actor Vijay Raghavendra, has tragically succumbed to a heart attack while in a Bangkok...
Rami Reddy, whose full name was Gangasani Rami Reddy, was born in Valmikipuram village in the Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. After obtaining a...
Malayalam actor Mamta Mohandas recently revealed that she has been diagnosed with vitiligo, a chronic autoimmune disorder that causes the skin to lose its...
Vikram Gokhale, a veteran Marathi theater and Bollywood actor who has a remarkable filmography in the Hindi and Marathi film and television industries. The...
Daljeet Kaur, a veteran actor well-known for her lead roles in several superhit Punjabi movies, died in Punjab’s Ludhiana district on Thursday. She was...
The audience shall forever cherish the 94th academy awards, surprisingly not for the performances but rather for a stunning moment: Actor Will Smith strode...
On Thursday, Ukraine and the world looked at President Volodymyr Zelensky as Russia launched a ‘special military operation’ against Ukraine. The resident found himself...