Here are 10 lesser-known facts about your very own Neelam Kothari!
Neelam Kothari is the kind of woman everyone knows in India. She’s a former actress who did some major work in Bollywood. She’s currently working as a designer of jewelry, and her line is lovely. Her fans love her, she has a stellar reputation, and she’s immensely talented. Most people want to know more about her, but they only know what she chooses to tell them – which isn’t always much. let’s see some interesting facts about the diva!
1. She’s in Her 50s
Does this surprise you? She is someone who definitely does not look it. She was born on November 9, 1969. She just celebrated her 52nd birthday in 2021. We don’t know if she got to celebrate it the way she might have envisioned celebrating it based on all that is going on in the world right now, but we imagine she was with the people she loves most, and that’s what counts.
2. She’s From Hong Kong
She is of Gujarati-Iranian descent, but she was born and raised in Hong Kong. She even spent most of her childhood there, and we imagine it had to do with her parents and their work. Her parents have their own business, and that meant that they had the freedom to live and work anywhere they chose to do so.
3. She’s Musical
Music is something that runs in her blood. She was very young when she was taught to play the keyboard. It’s not an easy skill to learn, and many kids simply are not interested. She was, and she learned to do it. It’s a great skill. She’s also a jazz ballet dancer, and she practiced as a child.
4. Jewelry is the Family Business
Her family has their own business, and it’s a good one. Much like she is a jewelry designer, her family has a design business in which they also make jewelry. They design very high-end, expensive pieces, and we assume that means they design their work for some very wealthy, very famous, very successful people. Now we see where she gets her own talents from.
5. She Was Discovered on Holiday
So many young girls back in the 80s and 90s dreamt of being discovered while in the middle of the mall doing some shopping or while on vacation with their families. It didn’t happen for most, but it did happen for this young woman. She was in Mumbai with her family when she was approached by someone who was a director. His name was Ramesh Behl, and that’s when she decided being an actress didn’t sound so bad.
6. She’s Twice Married
Her first marriage was a very short one. She was married back in 2000 to a man by the name of Rishi Sethia. He’s the son of a very wealthy businessman who hailed from the United Kingdom. They were divorced quickly, and she did not remarry again until 2011. She and her husband, Samir Soni, later adopted a little girl.
7. She Got In Trouble for Poaching
The illegal hunting of many animals is something that is highly frowned upon, and very punishable. She was charged with poaching back in 1998 when she was in Kankani to work on a film. She poached blackbucks. Two of them, if we are being precise. She did get in trouble for it, but she was later acquitted.
8. She’s The Subject of Rumors
There was a time when there was a rumor going around that she was gay. She did not hear the rumor in print, rather it came to her from a word-of-mouth situation. That was a little more difficult, we imagine because it likely originated from someone she knows. However, she laughed it off and realized this is just how rumors get started.
9. Another popular actor has a crush on her
We say crush, but we think it might have been more than that. Famed actor Govinda once said that back in the early stages of her career they worked on a film together. He was madly in love with her and wanted to marry her, but he knew that their lives would never work well together and that they would never be together.
10. She’s Private
She’s an actress and a designer and a Bollywood wife, but she’s also very private. She knows what to talk about and what not to talk about, and everything she shares is what she wants to share. We get the overwhelming sensation from her that if she doesn’t want us to know about it, we don’t know about it.
Here’s one of her most loved and popular song! Starring the very popular Govinda and our very beautiful Neelam…
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