On November 27, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is set to conduct Janata Darshan at Home Office Krishna in Bengaluru, providing a platform for the public...
In a heart-wrenching incident at Hope Farm Junction, a 23-year-old woman named Soundharya and her nine-month-old baby met a tragic end after being electrocuted...
The recent clampdown by YouTube on ad-blockers has prompted numerous users to seek out fresh methods to block advertisements. While some individuals have chosen...
In a significant development for aviation safety and efficiency, Bangalore International Airport Limited (BIAL) has inaugurated South Asia’s inaugural Aircraft Recovery Training School (ARTS)...
Bengaluru, stands as a bustling metropolis fueled by India’s booming IT services industry. However, this rapid development has come at a steep cost, as...
Google has unveiled an innovative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technique that has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by streamlining the detection of cardiovascular risks. Full...
Actress Vaibhavi Upadhyaya died in a horrific vehicle accident after Nitesh Pandey died earlier this week. According to the police, she, unfortunately, died in...
Along the 119-kilometre Bengaluru-Mysuru highway, modest but iconic enterprises like those that produce toys in Chennapatna, sell Thatte idli in Bidadi, make Mysore Pak...