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Shivamogga Airport’s Land-Donating Families Request Job Support

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As Shivamogga Airport at Sogane takes flight with its operations commencing on August 31, the dedicated farmers who selflessly relinquished their land for its development are now making a heartfelt plea to the Karnataka Government. Approximately 400 families, deeply intertwined with the airport’s growth, are urging the government to provide employment opportunities for their kin within the airport’s burgeoning workforce.


Source: The Hindu

Addressing the pressing concerns of the farming community, M.B. Krishnappa, the president of Sogane Bhoomi Hakku Horata Samiti, spoke with the media in Shivamogga on September 2. He revealed that, up to that point, no employment opportunities had been extended to any of the farmers’ families within the newly operational airport. 

Krishnappa emphasized that their demand for job placements had been communicated to relevant authorities, including officers, the district administration, and the Karnataka State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation, in their pursuit of equitable compensation for their land sacrifice.


Source: The Financial Express

The felicitation of Krishnappa and Govindaraj by the administration, designating them as representatives of those who surrendered their land for the project, has stirred disappointment among the farming community. This sentiment stems from the fact that both individuals receiving the honor were not themselves farmers. 

This divergence between the honorees and the core group of land donors has sparked discontentment, highlighting the need for a more inclusive and representative approach in acknowledging those who made sacrifices for the project’s development.


Source: Hindustan Times

Mr. Krishnappa said, “I am a farmer. I gave up two acres and 18 guntas for the airport. I have records. Similarly, Govindaraj’s father gave up two acres and 20 guntas. We are hurt by comments made by some people during the programme.” He urged the district administration to take action against those who made such remarks.

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