Couples at Cubbon Park are being advised by security personnel to keep their distance when seated by the trees or on seats. Our reluctance to engage in public shows of affection was evident in the Horticulture Department’s most recent attempt to control the situation at Cubbon Park. Since summer has arrived, the park has seen an increase in visitors; on weekends, it is thought that more than a thousand people, including kids, visit Cubbon Park.

Cubbon Park Bengaluru
Image Source: FabHotels
A security guard was stationed at the Park on Saturday, armed with a megaphone loudspeaker, warning and reminding children to sit appropriately and keep their distance while sitting near the trees or on the benches.
A security guard told the Bangalore Mirror, “We have been provided four megaphone loudspeakers by the Horticulture Department. Four of us make rounds in the park to alert youth to maintain decorum. Many people, especially those with family and children, complained to the authorities about the nuisance in the park. So, the Horticulture Department has directed us to alert the public in the park.”

Image Source: Bangalore Mirror
One security officer claimed that youngsters allegedly try to find hidden spaces at Monkey Park on the northern side of Cubbon Park and close to the Central Library. He had an alternative viewpoint on the matter. He said, “There are snakes in the area and we are worried about the safety of visitors. We alert the visitors to select a safe place to spend their leisure time.”
However, Cubbon Park Walkers’ Association President S Umesh had a different opinion about the megaphones. He says, “The security guards should not misuse the megaphones to frighten or exploit the youngsters.”
Horticulture Department Deputy Director (Cubbon Park) Balakrishna HT told Bangalore Mirror, “I have not received any complaints from the public against youngsters.”