Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare is a Kannada pop culture comedy film brought to life under the expert direction of Nithin Krishnamurthy. Led by the talented...
Christopher Nolan’s highly awaited film “Oppenheimer,” released on July 21, delves into the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the celebrated American physicist renowned as...
Tragedy struck the campus of PES University in Bengaluru as a 19-year-old BTech student, identified as Aditya Prabhu, took his own life after allegedly...
In response to a deeply disturbing incident that occurred over two months ago, Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh has asserted a resolute commitment...
In a horrifying and deeply disturbing incident that occurred two months ago in Manipur, a heart-wrenching video has emerged depicting the harrowing ordeal of...
The Central Crime Branch (CCB) has successfully detained five individuals in Bengaluru, the capital city of Karnataka. The apprehended individuals, identified as Sayed Suhel,...
During the opposition meeting held in Bengaluru, the decision was made to rebrand the alliance as INDIA, which stands for Indian National Developmental Inclusive...
The 400-year-old Char-Su-Ka-Hauz, known as the Gulzar Houz fountain, has met its fate as the entire historical site has undergone complete reconstruction. Presently, the...